- It is a pleasure to join everyone at the Australian Asia Commerce Council on this special occasion.
- 在澳亞商會這個特別的場合跟大家在一起是我的榮幸。
- The work that has gone into this project is a credit to everyone involved.
- 為這個項目所做的工作都歸功於所有參與者。
- It is also a testament to the spirit of commerce and innovation within the Manningham community, that we are here today at Manningham City Square.
- I am certain that that spirit will ensure considerable success for your future ventures.
- 我肯定這種精神能確保你們在將來的投資取得相當的成功。
- Of course, the history of commerce in Victoria is deeply entwined with the history of Asian migration to Australia.
- 當然,維多利亞的商業史跟亞洲移民到澳洲的歷史有著千絲萬縷的關係。
- As far back as the first gold rush of 1851, Victoria’s population increased seven-fold, a large part of which was a result of Asian migration to the area.
- 早在1851年的第一次淘金熱,維多利亞的人口上升了七倍,當中很大部份都是因為亞洲移民到該地區的結果。
- In the 1950s, Sir Robert Menzies as Prime Minister actively embraced trade relationships with Asia.
- 在1950年代,總理Robert Menzies爵士積極擁護與亞洲的貿易關係。
- This was one of the most far sighted decisions made by any Australian leader, as it began a modern commercial relationship between Australia and Asia that would only continue to grow in the decades that followed.
- 不論是那個澳洲領袖,這都會是其中一個最有遠見的決定。因為它開始了澳洲與亞洲的現代商業關係,而這關係在接著的數十年都只會是持續增長。
- Later decades brought migration and trade with countries in Indo-China, China – including Hong Kong - and the Indian sub-continent.
- 過去數十年帶來了來自中南半島、中國 – 包括香港和印度次大陸的移民與貿易。
- There is no doubt that each of these exchanges has benefitted our country, our state, and our local community.
- 毫無疑問,每一次這樣的往來都會為我們的國家、州份和當地社區帶來好處。
- When we talk about commerce in 2015 though, we have to be honest and say that this is not the easiest of times.
- 可是,當我們談及2015年的商業,我們必須誠實的說,這不是最容易的時刻。
- The full employment that we enjoyed not so long ago now seems a distant memory.
- 不久以前,我們所享受的充分就業就如遠舊的記憶。
- Job growth is slow, and the State’s finances are precariously balanced with a wafer thin surplus.
- 工作增長緩慢,而州份的財政收支只是僅僅平衡,盈餘極微。
- Overseas, world interest rates and growth figures are stubbornly low.
- 在海外,全球利率和增長數字都無可改變的低。
- In this climate, it is therefore so important that organisations like yours have a strong voice within the community, and help us to drive and grow jobs and the economy locally.
- 在這樣的處境,如你們般的機構能在社區發聲尤其重要,並協助推動本地經濟和工作增長。
- I know that the businesses you represent can create more jobs than the Government ever can, and that means that the relationship must be one where the Government supports you.
- 我知道,你們代表的商店能創造的工作比政府永遠可以創造的要多,這意味著這樣在這關係中政府扮演支持的角色。
- Therefore, as your local Member of Parliament I am here to support you, and encourage you to tell me what I can do to help business and commerce in Manningham.
- 所以,作為你們的國會本地成員,我在這裡支持你和鼓勵你告訴我能做什麼來幫助Manningham的商店和商業活動。
- Finally, I wish to acknowledge and congratulate you not just for your role in local commerce, but in the local community more generally.
- 最後,我想答謝和恭喜你們不只在本地商業的角色,並在本地社區普遍的角式。
- Whether it is children taking on leadership roles in schools, support for local festivals, or involvement in local sporting clubs and interest groups, your support helps to grow the community’s spirit.
- 無論是子女在學校擔當領導的角色,支持本地的節日,或是參與本地運動俱樂部和興趣小組,你的支持能幫助發揚社區精神。
- So thank you again for the work you do in the community.
- 再次多謝你在社區的工作。
- I wish you success for the future.
- 我希望你們在將來會取得成功。