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Home >> News >> Australia Event- It is a pleasure to join everyone at the Australian Asia Commerce Council on this special occasion.
- The work that has gone into this project is a credit to everyone involved.
- It is also a testament to the spirit of commerce and innovation within the Manningham community, that we are here today at Manningham City Square.
- I am certain that that spirit will ensure considerable success for your future ventures.
- Of course, the history of commerce in Victoria is deeply entwined with the history of Asian migration to Australia.
- As far back as the first gold rush of 1851, Victoria’s population increased seven-fold, a large part of which was a result of Asian migration to the area.
- In the 1950s, Sir Robert Menzies as Prime Minister actively embraced trade relationships with Asia.
- This was one of the most far sighted decisions made by any Australian leader, as it began a modern commercial relationship between Australia and Asia that would only continue to grow in the decades that followed.
- Later decades brought migration and trade with countries in Indo-China, China – including Hong Kong - and the Indian sub-continent.
- There is no doubt that each of these exchanges has benefitted our country, our state, and our local community.
- When we talk about commerce in 2015 though, we have to be honest and say that this is not the easiest of times.
- The full employment that we enjoyed not so long ago now seems a distant memory.
- Job growth is slow, and the State’s finances are precariously balanced with a wafer thin surplus.
- Overseas, world interest rates and growth figures are stubbornly low.
- In this climate, it is therefore so important that organisations like yours have a strong voice within the community, and help us to drive and grow jobs and the economy locally.
- I know that the businesses you represent can create more jobs than the Government ever can, and that means that the relationship must be one where the Government supports you.
- Therefore, as your local Member of Parliament I am here to support you, and encourage you to tell me what I can do to help business and commerce in Manningham.
- Finally, I wish to acknowledge and congratulate you not just for your role in local commerce, but in the local community more generally.
- Whether it is children taking on leadership roles in schools, support for local festivals, or involvement in local sporting clubs and interest groups, your support helps to grow the community’s spirit.
- So thank you again for the work you do in the community.
- I wish you success for the future.
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